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价格: 428000


采购度:469    原产地:中国大陆

发布时间:2018/1/30     更新时间:2024/9/18

产品简介:EDX 9000铅汞镉铬氯溴重金属检测仪还采用了天瑞仪器利产品精密的定位系统,可实现图像联动控制,多点连续测试。新增加电动开发的样品腔使操作更加方便,新设计自动样品平台让准确检测得到保证,更准确的检测结果是天瑞人坚持不懈的追求,同时天瑞人还时刻牢记为客户提供更优质的服务。新开发研制的EDX 9000XRF铅汞镉铬氯溴重金属检测仪正是秉承了这理念。它不




EDX 9000铅汞镉铬氯溴重金属检测仪还采用了天瑞
仪器利产品精密的定位系统,可实现图像联动控制,多点连续测试。新增加电动开发的样品腔使操作更加方便,新设计自动样品平台让检测得到,更的检测结果是天瑞人坚持不懈的追求,同时天瑞人还时刻牢记为客户提供更的服务。新开发研制的EDX 9000XRF铅汞镉铬氯溴重金属检测仪正是秉承了这理念。它不仅继承了天瑞仪器XRF系列、快速、无损、直观及环保五大特点,采用分析仪器行业的速探测器技术(SDD)可将测试时间降低到1。(EDX 9000 lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, chlorine and bromine heavy metal detector also used the precision positioning system of the "Tian Rui" instrument patent product, which can achieve image linkage control and multi-point continuous testing. The newly added electric development sample chamber makes the operation more convenient. The new design automatic sample platform ensures accurate detection. The more accurate detection results are the persistent pursuit of Tian Rui people. Meanwhile, Tian Rui people always remember to provide better services for customers. The new development and development of EDX 9000XRF lead mercury, cadmium, cadmium and chromium chloride heavy metal detector is adhering to this idea. It not only inherited the five characteristics of Tian Rui instrument XRF series, such as accuracy, speed, nondestructive, visual and environmental protection, but also reduced the test time to 1 second by employing the most advanced speed detector technology (SDD) in analytical instrument industry.)

铅汞镉铬氯溴重金属检测仪测量元素范围 :硫(S)~铀(U)测量时间:1s或以上检出限:分析检出限可达2ppm,薄可测试0.005μm探测器:SDD探测器,分辨率可达125eV准直器:8种准直器自动切换滤光片:4种滤光片自由切换样品观察:高清工业摄像头含量范围:2ppm~99.9%管压:5~50KV管流:≤1000uA环境湿度:≤70%环境温度:15℃~30℃电源:交流220V±5V(建议配置交流净化稳压电源)Lead cadmium mercury chromium chloride bromide heavy metal measurement range of elements: sulfur (S) ~ (U) uranium measurement time: 1s or above the limit of detection of the detection limit of 2ppm, the thinnest can test 0.005 m detectors: SDD detector, resolution of 125eV collimator: 8 collimator filter: Observation of 4 kinds of automatic switching free switch filter samples: HD camera industry content range: 2ppm ~ 99.9%: 5 ~ 50KV pipe pressure pipe flow is less than or equal to 1000uA less than 70% humidity: ambient temperature: 15 to 30 DEG C Power: AC 220V + 5V (purified AC regulated power supply is recommended)
X-射线荧光能谱 物质是由种元素或多种元素组成的。当光子源照射到物质上时,物质中各种元素发出混和在起的各自特征的X荧光。这些特征的X荧光具有特征的波长或能量,每种荧光的强度与物质中发出该种荧光元素的浓度相关。 为了区分混和在起的各元素的X-荧光,常采用两种分光技术,是通过分光晶体对不同波长的X-荧光进行衍射而达到分光目的,然后用探测器探测不同波长处X-荧光强度,这项技术称为波长色散光谱。另项技术是先使用探测器接收所有不同能量的X-荧光,通过探测器转变成电脉冲信号,经置放大后,用多道脉冲高度分析器(MPHA)进行信号处理,得到不同能量X-荧光的强度分布谱图,即能量色散光谱,简称X-荧光能谱。
4.能量色散X-荧光的探测 X-荧光是波长短的电磁波,为非可见光,需要使用探测器进行探测,探测器可以将X-荧光电磁波信号转换成电脉冲信号。 依分辨率高低档次由低至高常用的探测器有NaI晶体闪烁计数器,充气(He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe等)正比计数管器、HgI2晶体探测器、半导体致冷Si PIN 探测器、高纯硅晶体探测器、高纯锗晶体探测器、电致冷或液氮致冷Si(Li)锂漂移硅晶体探测器、Ge(Li)锂漂移锗探测器等。 探测器的性能主要体现在对荧光探测的检出限、分辨率、探测能量范围的大小等方面。 低档探测器检测元素数量少,对被测物质中微量元素较难检测,分辨率般在700-1100eV,般可分析材料基体中元素数量较少,元素间相邻较远,含量较高的单个元素。 中档探测器检测元素数量稍多,对痕量元素较难检测,分辨率般在200-300eV, 般用于检测的对象元素不是相邻元素,元素相邻较远(至少相隔1-2个元素以上),基体内各元素间影响较小。 探测器可以同时对不同浓度所有元素(般从Na至U)进行检测,分辨率般在150-180eV。可同时测定元素周期表中Na-U范围的任何元素。对痕量检测可达几个ppm量。X- - ray fluorescence spectroscopy is composed of an element or a variety of elements. When the photon source is irradiated to the substance, the various elements in the matter emit the X fluorescence of their respective characteristics. The X fluorescence of these characteristics has characteristic wavelengths or energy, and the intensity of each fluorescence is related to the concentration of the fluorescence element in the substance. In order to distinguish mixed in X- fluorescence elements together, often using two kinds of spectroscopic techniques, one is through the optical crystal diffraction of X- fluorescence at different wavelengths to light, and then use the detector to detect different wavelengths of fluorescence intensity of X-, this technique is called wavelength dispersive spectroscopy. Another technique is the first to use the detector all the different energy X- fluorescence into electric pulse signal through the detector, preamplifier, using multi-channel pulse height analyzer (MPHA) signal processing, get the intensity distribution of different energy spectra of X- fluorescence, namely energy dispersive spectrum, fluorescence spectrum X-. The 4. energy dispersive X- fluorescence detection X- fluorescence is a very short wavelength electromagnetic wave. It is a non visible light. It needs to detect by using detector. The detector can transform X- fluorescence electromagnetic wave signal into electrical pulse signal. According to the high resolution level from low to high common detector NaI crystal scintillation counter (He, Ne, Ar, air, Kr, Xe, HgI2) crystal detector, semiconductor refrigeration Si PIN detector, high pure silicon crystal detector, high purity germanium crystal detector, electric refrigeration or liquid nitrogen cooled Si proportional counter (Li lithium drifted silicon crystal detector), Ge (Li) lithium drifted germanium detectors. The performance of the detector is mainly reflected in the detection limit, resolution and detection energy range of the fluorescence detection. The low level detector is less effective in detecting elements, and it is difficult to detect trace elements in the detected substance. The resolution is generally 700 to 1100eV. Generally, a single element with relatively high element content and a relatively high content between elements is generally analyzed. The mid-range detector effective detection of the number of elements is slightly more than that of trace elements is hard to detect, in resolution 200 300eV, generally used for object detection elements than the adjacent elements, elements adjacent far (at least 1-2 elements above), each element in the matrix effect. The high grade detector can detect all the elements of different concentrations (usually from Na to U) at the same time, with a resolution of 150 - 180eV. Any element of the Na-U range in the periodic table of the element can be measured at the same time. The detection of trace amounts can reach several ppm levels.
快—1钟出结果 采用行业的速探测器技术——(SDD)分辨率低至125eV优势:探测面积大(面积达25mm2)、单位时间内接受信息多、计数率高分辨率好,探测效率更高,探测信噪比更强,检出限更低采用行业的数字多道技术优势:提高输出效率,实现超高计数率,采集计数率高可达600KCPS采用大功率X光管及的准直滤光系统优势:激发效率更高光闸系统优势:样品更换无需关闭高压,提高测试效率与测试精度精密的定位系统 超高清晰工业摄像头,更清晰的显示测试点多点测试2D自动移动样品台——可实现图像联动控制,多点连续测试超小样品检测——小可测到0.2毫米 8种准直器、4种滤光片快速切换功能,可根据不同样品进行选择准直器小可达0.2毫米,针对超小样品可聚焦检测人性化的设计 更安:X射线联动安装置——光闸与联动装置互动;仪器外壳与高压使能端相联动更快捷:多点测试,点哪测哪预约预热:根据设定时间,仪器可定时开始测试预约开机预热功能:客户可预约仪器开机时间,同时可以仪器预热并自动检测、校正仪器状态;同时可以实现预约关机,关机可设定声光提示。Fast 1 seconds out of the technology industry's most advanced speed detector (SDD), the lowest resolution to 125eV advantages: large detecting area (area 25mm2), receive information, high resolution and good count rate per unit time, higher detection efficiency, the SNR is stronger, lower detection limit using the advantages of digital multi-channel the most advanced technologies in the industry: improve the output efficiency, and realize the high counting rate, ensure the effective collection count rate up to 600KCPS high power X light tube and advanced collimation filter system: the excitation efficiency of higher light gate system advantages: sample is replaced without shutting down the pressure, improve the testing efficiency and testing precision positioning system the accuracy of the ultra high definition camera industry, display test points of 2D automatic test -- moving the sample platform can realize the image linkage control more clear, more. Ultra small sample detection test continued: the minimum can be measured to 0.2 mm 8, 4 collimator for fast switching filter function, can choose the smallest collimators up to 0.2 mm according to different samples, for ultra small samples can be designed to accurately focus detection of humanity more safety: X ray safety device - shutter and linkage linkage interaction; the shell and high pressure instrument enable end linkage faster: more testing, what measure which appointment: according to the set time, preheating apparatus can be timed to start testing and booking warm-up function: customers can make an appointment with the instrument on time, when the instrument preheating and automatic detection, instrument calibration status; at the same time can be achieved booking shutdown, before shutdown set sound.
铅汞镉铬氯溴重金属检测仪广泛应用于电子电器,塑料,胶粘制品,油墨,皮革,有害物质分析,镀层分析,合号及成份分析,同时满足ELV指令、玩具指令、无卤化标准、REACH法规、无磷、无硫等管控标准。Lead cadmium mercury chromium chloride bromide heavy metal detector is widely used in electronic and electrical appliances, plastic, adhesive products, ink, leather, coating analysis, analysis of harmful substances, brand analysis and composition of alloy, and meet the ELV directive, toys directive, halogen free standard, REACH regulations, non phosphorus, sulfur and other control standards.
江苏天瑞仪器股份有限公司是业生产光谱、色谱、质谱等分析测试仪器及其软件的研发、生产和销售体型企业。 2011年1月25日,天瑞仪器在深圳创业板块上市。股票代码为300165。分析仪器行业的家也是目唯家上市公司,公司现有员工1100人,包括研发部、技术部、生产部、内业务部及海外市场部、品管部、计划部、采购部、仓管部、人力资源部、财务部、及董秘处和行政部等部门,且公司规模日益壮大。

Jiangsu Tian Rui instrument Limited by Share Ltd is a high-tech enterprise with independent intellectual property rights, with a registered capital of 461 million 760 thousand. Owns Suzhou Tianrui Environment Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing bandwise Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Tianrui Instrument Co. Ltd., Shanghai Bercy Biotechnology Co. Ltd, Tianrui environmental science and Technology (Xiantao) Co., five wholly-owned subsidiaries and Xiamen mass spectrometry instrument limited company and Jiangsu guoce Detection Technology Co. Ltd. Shanghai pan, science instrument Limited by Share Ltd three subsidiary companies. The headquarter is located on the scenic Yangcheng Lake, Kunshan, Jiangsu province. The company specializes in spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry, X ray thickness gauge, ROHS analyzer, heavy metal test instrument, X ray fluorescence thickness, ROHS halogen equipment, Aluminum Alloy spectrum analyzer, XRF instrument, coating thickness gauge, X-Ray spectrometer, eight heavy metal detector, metal coating thickness, hardware tools heavy metal detector, X ROHS fluorescence analyzer, ROHS heavy metal electrical products testing instrument, analysis instrument and software research and development, production and sales. Jiangsu Tian Rui instrument Limited by Share Ltd is a company specializing in the production, development and production of spectroscopy, chromatogram and mass spectrometry. In January 25, 2011, Tian Rui was listed on the Shenzhen entrepreneurship plate. The stock code is 300165. Analytical instrument industry first and currently the only one listed company, the company has 1100 employees, including R & D department, technical department, production department, the Department of domestic business and overseas marketing department, QC department, planning department, purchasing department, warehouse department, human resources department, financial department, and secretaries and the administrative department and other departments, and the growing size of companies.




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